

1 chicken
4 eggs
2 glasses of fine white or all purpose flour
2 glasses of olive oil
2 tablespoons of margarine
2 tablespoons of flour
1 pinch of ground coconut
2 glasses of broth of chicken
salt and black pepper to taste

Preparation :
Clean the chicken and boil it until cooked. Take off the legs and flake the rest. Season with salt and black pepper and put aside. Saute flour with margarine in a saucepan. Pour chicken stock into the saucepan gradually and cook until pasty. Add the flaked chicken meat and ground coconut to the saucepan. Stir a few times over heat, remove from heat allow to cool. When it cools down, take egg-size pieces of the paste and make them into oval shapes. Put them on a floured tray and sprinkle flour over them. Beat the eggs well in a bowl. Heat the olive oil in a pan, then take the balls, dip them in beaten egg and put them into the pan one by one. Let them fry until golden. Drain the meatballs, put them in a serving bowl and garnish with parsley.

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